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2024-05-01 14:42:36 +08:00

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原生支持Eagle/Fusion360/EasyEDA/Allegro Cadence等。

  • 安装InteractiveHtmlBompython -m pip install InteractiveHtmlBom

Linux users can add --user flag if touching system libs is undesirable. pip will generate generate_interactive_bom executable in your system (or user) bin path. You can use that instead of python3 .../generate_interactive_bom.py ... invocation.

  • 安装exportJson以导出.brd文件为.json文件

1.To make the skill script available for use, you need to copy the exportJson.il file to your local skill directory ( usually your installation path + \share\pcb\etc ) or the skill directory in the $CDS_SITE path. Append it to the allegro.ilinit file ( add load( "path/exportJson.il" ) ) or load it manually via the skill load command ( type set telskill into the command line and then type load("exportJson.il" ). 2.Once the script is loaded successfully, you can start exporting the json file by typing exportJson + enter in the command line. A directory named json is created in your project folder containing the .json. 3.Optional arguments

  • 导出json后运行generate_interactive_bom board.json即可导出为单HTML文件

安装依赖pip install wxpython jsonschema