#ifndef RT_CONFIG_H__ #define RT_CONFIG_H__ /* Generated by Kconfiglib (https://github.com/ulfalizer/Kconfiglib) */ /* RT-Thread Kernel */ #define RT_NAME_MAX 8 #define RT_ALIGN_SIZE 4 #define RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_32 #define RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX 32 #define RT_TICK_PER_SECOND 1000 #define RT_USING_OVERFLOW_CHECK #define RT_USING_HOOK #define RT_HOOK_USING_FUNC_PTR #define RT_USING_IDLE_HOOK #define RT_IDLE_HOOK_LIST_SIZE 4 #define IDLE_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 256 #define RT_USING_TIMER_SOFT #define RT_TIMER_THREAD_PRIO 4 #define RT_TIMER_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 512 /* kservice optimization */ #define RT_KSERVICE_USING_STDLIB /* end of kservice optimization */ #define RT_DEBUG #define RT_DEBUG_COLOR /* Inter-Thread communication */ #define RT_USING_SEMAPHORE #define RT_USING_MUTEX #define RT_USING_EVENT #define RT_USING_MAILBOX #define RT_USING_MESSAGEQUEUE /* end of Inter-Thread communication */ /* Memory Management */ #define RT_USING_MEMPOOL #define RT_USING_SMALL_MEM #define RT_USING_SMALL_MEM_AS_HEAP #define RT_USING_HEAP /* end of Memory Management */ /* Kernel Device Object */ #define RT_USING_DEVICE #define RT_USING_CONSOLE #define RT_CONSOLEBUF_SIZE 256 #define RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME "uart1" /* end of Kernel Device Object */ #define RT_VER_NUM 0x40101 /* end of RT-Thread Kernel */ #define ARCH_ARM #define RT_USING_CPU_FFS #define ARCH_ARM_CORTEX_M #define ARCH_ARM_CORTEX_M4 /* RT-Thread Components */ #define RT_USING_COMPONENTS_INIT #define RT_USING_USER_MAIN #define RT_MAIN_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 2048 #define RT_MAIN_THREAD_PRIORITY 10 #define RT_USING_MSH #define RT_USING_FINSH #define FINSH_USING_MSH #define FINSH_THREAD_NAME "tshell" #define FINSH_THREAD_PRIORITY 20 #define FINSH_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 4096 #define FINSH_USING_HISTORY #define FINSH_HISTORY_LINES 5 #define FINSH_USING_SYMTAB #define FINSH_CMD_SIZE 80 #define MSH_USING_BUILT_IN_COMMANDS #define FINSH_USING_DESCRIPTION #define FINSH_ARG_MAX 10 #define RT_USING_DFS #define DFS_USING_POSIX #define DFS_USING_WORKDIR #define DFS_FILESYSTEMS_MAX 4 #define DFS_FILESYSTEM_TYPES_MAX 4 #define DFS_FD_MAX 16 #define RT_USING_DFS_ELMFAT /* elm-chan's FatFs, Generic FAT Filesystem Module */ #define RT_DFS_ELM_CODE_PAGE 437 #define RT_DFS_ELM_WORD_ACCESS #define RT_DFS_ELM_USE_LFN_3 #define RT_DFS_ELM_USE_LFN 3 #define RT_DFS_ELM_LFN_UNICODE_0 #define RT_DFS_ELM_LFN_UNICODE 0 #define RT_DFS_ELM_MAX_LFN 255 #define RT_DFS_ELM_DRIVES 2 #define RT_DFS_ELM_MAX_SECTOR_SIZE 4096 #define RT_DFS_ELM_REENTRANT #define RT_DFS_ELM_MUTEX_TIMEOUT 3000 /* end of elm-chan's FatFs, Generic FAT Filesystem Module */ /* Device Drivers */ #define RT_USING_DEVICE_IPC #define RT_USING_SERIAL #define RT_USING_SERIAL_V1 #define RT_SERIAL_USING_DMA #define RT_SERIAL_RB_BUFSZ 4096 #define RT_USING_PIN #define RT_USING_ADC #define RT_USING_RTC #define RT_USING_SPI #define RT_USING_SFUD #define RT_SFUD_USING_SFDP #define RT_SFUD_USING_FLASH_INFO_TABLE #define RT_SFUD_SPI_MAX_HZ 50000000 #define RT_USING_WDT /* Using USB */ /* end of Using USB */ /* end of Device Drivers */ /* C/C++ and POSIX layer */ #define RT_LIBC_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE 8 /* POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) layer */ #define RT_USING_POSIX_FS /* Interprocess Communication (IPC) */ /* Socket is in the 'Network' category */ /* end of Interprocess Communication (IPC) */ /* end of POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) layer */ /* end of C/C++ and POSIX layer */ /* Network */ /* end of Network */ /* Utilities */ #define RT_USING_RYM #define YMODEM_USING_FILE_TRANSFER #define RT_USING_ULOG #define ULOG_OUTPUT_LVL_D #define ULOG_OUTPUT_LVL 7 #define ULOG_ASSERT_ENABLE #define ULOG_LINE_BUF_SIZE 128 /* log format */ #define ULOG_USING_COLOR #define ULOG_OUTPUT_TIME #define ULOG_TIME_USING_TIMESTAMP #define ULOG_OUTPUT_LEVEL #define ULOG_OUTPUT_TAG /* end of log format */ #define ULOG_BACKEND_USING_CONSOLE /* end of Utilities */ /* end of RT-Thread Components */ /* RT-Thread online packages */ /* IoT - internet of things */ /* Wi-Fi */ /* Marvell WiFi */ /* end of Marvell WiFi */ /* Wiced WiFi */ /* end of Wiced WiFi */ /* end of Wi-Fi */ /* IoT Cloud */ /* end of IoT Cloud */ /* end of IoT - internet of things */ /* security packages */ /* end of security packages */ /* language packages */ /* JSON: JavaScript Object Notation, a lightweight data-interchange format */ /* end of JSON: JavaScript Object Notation, a lightweight data-interchange format */ /* XML: Extensible Markup Language */ /* end of XML: Extensible Markup Language */ /* end of language packages */ /* multimedia packages */ /* LVGL: powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI library */ /* end of LVGL: powerful and easy-to-use embedded GUI library */ /* u8g2: a monochrome graphic library */ /* end of u8g2: a monochrome graphic library */ /* PainterEngine: A cross-platform graphics application framework written in C language */ /* end of PainterEngine: A cross-platform graphics application framework written in C language */ /* end of multimedia packages */ /* tools packages */ /* end of tools packages */ /* system packages */ /* enhanced kernel services */ /* end of enhanced kernel services */ /* acceleration: Assembly language or algorithmic acceleration packages */ /* end of acceleration: Assembly language or algorithmic acceleration packages */ /* CMSIS: ARM Cortex-M Microcontroller Software Interface Standard */ /* end of CMSIS: ARM Cortex-M Microcontroller Software Interface Standard */ /* Micrium: Micrium software products porting for RT-Thread */ /* end of Micrium: Micrium software products porting for RT-Thread */ /* end of system packages */ /* peripheral libraries and drivers */ /* Kendryte SDK */ /* end of Kendryte SDK */ /* end of peripheral libraries and drivers */ /* AI packages */ /* end of AI packages */ /* miscellaneous packages */ /* project laboratory */ /* end of project laboratory */ /* samples: kernel and components samples */ /* end of samples: kernel and components samples */ /* entertainment: terminal games and other interesting software packages */ /* end of entertainment: terminal games and other interesting software packages */ #define PKG_USING_FASTLZ #define FASTLZ_USING_SAMPLE #define FASTLZ_SAMPLE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL 2 #define PKG_USING_FASTLZ_V101 /* end of miscellaneous packages */ /* Arduino libraries */ /* Projects */ /* end of Projects */ /* Sensors */ /* end of Sensors */ /* Display */ /* end of Display */ /* Timing */ /* end of Timing */ /* Data Processing */ /* end of Data Processing */ /* Data Storage */ /* Communication */ /* Device Control */ /* end of Device Control */ /* Other */ /* Signal IO */ /* end of Signal IO */ /* Uncategorized */ /* end of Arduino libraries */ /* end of RT-Thread online packages */ /* samples: kernel and components samples */ /* end of samples: kernel and components samples */ #define RT_STUDIO_BUILT_IN #endif